Stay Hyper Focused on

Mission 2022

Hi, I'm Mak Alamin. I'm a full stack web developer, working with ReactJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, and more. I'm a self-taught developer, and I'm always looking for new challenges to learn and grow.

In 2022, I'm in a great mission to be a world class full stack web developer.

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Mak Alamin

My Mission in 2022



My only mission is to become a pro web developer in 2022.



My long term vision is to create beautiful websites and web applications and to work with great companies and people worldwide.



After completing this course successfully I want to get started my career professionaly in the industry. That is my simple goal now. Moreover I want build web products and tools for my own.

Become a Developer

Become a Developer

As i'm a self-taught developer, I'm always looking for new challenges to learn and grow and looking for great opportuinities.

Let's Connect

Know the Global Community

I want to connect and learn from the best and the brightest people from the global community. I want to work with great companies and people worldwide.

Let's Connect
Global Community

Contact Me

Contact Info

Phone: +88017739530410


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